This server host Shiny applications available to IRD members which want to visualize and analyse data. You can access freely to every application in this page.
SHINY is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R.Application web to visualize and analyze the mesure of symptom intensity as quantitative variable in function of experimental factors.
Application web to identify and describe genetic clusters.
Programme de simulation en R/Shiny permettant de simuler les effets de mesures de contrôle variables (en nombre, durée et intensité) sur le déroulement de l'épidémie de COVID-19 en France.
Auteurs: Mircea Sofonea et Bastien Reyné
Epidemiological monitoring and control perspectives: application of a parsimonious modelling framework to the COVID-19 dynamics in France .
Auteurs: Mircea Sofonea et Bastien Reyné
Estimation of the temporal reproduction number of COVID-19.
Auteurs: Mircea Sofonea et Bastien Reyné
This program is developed based on the Shiny framework, a set of R packages and a collection of scripts written by members of Junhyong Kim Lab at University of Pennsylvania. Its goal is to facilitate fast and interactive RNA-Seq data analysis and visualization. Current version of PIVOT supports routine RNA-Seq data analysis including normalization, differential expression analysis, dimension reduction, correlation analysis, clustering and classification. Users can complete workflows of DESeq2, monocle and scde package with just a few button clicks. All analysis reports can be exported, and the program state can be saved, loaded and shared. For more see
This Shiny App is for searching and visualizing the monthly surveillance data aggregated by province by the Vietnamese General Department of Preventive Medicine (GDPM). The application contains the monthly syndromic incidence and mortality data for 29 diseases from January 1980 to December 2017 in Vietnam in the form of 29 data frames: adenovirus, amoebiasis, anthrax, chickenpox, cholera, dengue, diarrhea, diphteria, dysenteria, encephalitis, h5n1, hepatitis, hfmd (Hand, foot, and mouth disease), ili, leptospiriosis, malaria, measles, meningitis, mumps, nntetanus (neonatal tetanus), pertussis, plague, polio, rabies, rubella, shigella, ssuis, tetanus, typhoid. Each disease data frame can be downloaded in a “.csv” format, with the province in columns and the time in rows. The shiny interface allows the user to select the disease, the time range, and the type of case (mortality or incidence).